Backend Developer

Backend Developer

Job Description

You are searching for a new challenge and you are not afraid of new technologies? You enjoy working in a team to translate complex customer demands into software solutions? You are proactive, curious and you feel at home in the “shell? You are committed to overcoming obstacles and always focused on finding adequate solutions?

You are the perfect fit for our Development-Team! We work on national and international client projects with the latest technologies in order to visualize and administer complex databases as well as to develop new solutions in response to customer demands. Your tasks reach from the conception and design phase till the implementation and monitoring of entire systems (back-end/front-end) as well as training clients and mentoring younger development colleagues.

What You Have


What We Offer

Application Process and Interviewing Session


* Mandatory fields

Schirra IT GmbH

City Quartier - 6th floor
Rummelstr. 9 - 11, 67655 Kaiserslautern



+49 6301 61590 0